Some Interesting New Rumors: Medium Format, A7M, Canon, and a7RV

There are lots of questionable rumors out there atm in Sony land, but I recently received some interesting ones that I think might be worth sharing.

Here is something I can be a bit more definitive about: Sony will announce Medium format cameras in the summer. 2 of the. 150mp and 200mp. $7500 and $9999 respectively. Anything over 10k and its effectively pointless. Under 10k and they put Hasselblad and Phase One out of business.
The curved sensor patents we saw earlier would limit them to Prime lenses and extremely expensive ones at that…so expect flat regular medium format sensors like the 150mp and 200mp we’ve already seen patented.

Expect a bizarre name like A7M i and A7M ii.

Announcement may be a development announcement at the same time the A7r V.

Sony using the a7 monicker for a future medium format camera could be interesting for sure, but I’d like to think that Sony would use a more distinct name to differentiate the line. For example, Sony’s top-of-the-line APS-C camera falls within the a6xxx line of cameras and Sony also uses a5xxxx, while using a7 and a9 for full-frame. Maybe Just Sony Alpha Medium Format? There is also supposed to be an FE mount to medium format adapter in the works.

Shame 🤔 Sony 102mp A7r V in June and Canon 90mp or 120mp R5s/R5x in August.

It seems plausible that Sony and Canon would want to introduce 100MP Full Frame sensors as soon as possible to attract Fujifilm GFX owners/buyers, but I am curious to see how noise performance holds up in comparison. Also, Sony has been rumored to be going 100MP in its a7R line for a while now so someone is eventually going to be right about this, but I don’t think it became a serious possibility until well after the Fujifilm GFX was released.

I have written about the importance of megapixels before, but many were resistant to the idea due to the previous megapixel war where we saw cameras race from sub 1MP to 24MP relatively rapidly and sometimes at the expense of noise and high ISO performance, but now with the GFX camera companies can see that there is demand for high megapixel cameras. Further making the point the Fujifilm GFX100S has been sold out since its announcement and has only recently become easier to find, while the GFX50SII hasn’t been very hard to find since its fairly recent launch. So this very well might be the year that Sony decides to release a 100MP full-frame camera and its success, or failure, may dictate what happens with Sony Medium Format.

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