Sony a7IV and a7SIII Firmware 3.01 Released

Sony a7IV ILCE-7M4 Firmware 3.01 Released Download Here
Sony a7IV:
 B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Benefits and Improvements

  • Fixes an issue where the camera may not be able to connect to the network
  • Improves the operational stability of the camera

Sony a7S3 ILCE-7SM3 Firmware 3.01 Release Download Here
Sony a7SIII:
B&H Photo / Amazon / Moment / Adorama

Benefits and Improvements

  • Fixes the following issues with the ISO value:
    • The ISO value is displayed incorrectly when outputting a RAW video to a RAW-compatible device connected via an HDMI cable
    • The upper and lower limit setting ranges are incorrect when the ISO value is set to Auto
  • Fixes an issue where the camera may not be able to connect to the network
  • Improves the operational stability of the camera

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