Category Archives: Sony a9

Sony a9 Discontinued at B&H Photo and Limited Stock Elsewhere

It looks like Sony is going to finally stop producing the original Sony a9, which in my opinion is better than 99% of the cameras out there still, but it was only a matter of time. You can still pick one up new from Amazon if you like, but I think there will be some […]

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DPRV: Sony ‘Real Time’ Autofocus Setup

Sony is known for having bad menus that can confuse people new to their system so DPRTV released a tutorial for setting up Sony’s best feature, Real Time Autofocus. You can read a sumary of the above video below: If this is the first time you have used a camera then you might want to […]

Also posted in Sony a6100, Sony a6400, Sony a6600, Sony a7RIV, Sony a7SIII, Sony a9II, Sony RX10 IV, Sony RX100 | Leave a comment

CAME-TV Sony Camera Rig 15mm Follow Focus Rod System and Matte Box With Carbon Fiber Flag Package

CAME-TV Sony Camera Rig 15mm Follow Focus Rod System and Matte Box With Carbon Fiber Flag Package PRODUCT INFORMATION Included in this package is our Sony A7RIII / A7RIV Camera Rig 15mm Rod System, the Matte Box With Carbon Fiber Flag along with 2 pieces of 200mm long 15mm rod and 15mm rail follow focus. […]

Also posted in Sony a7III, Sony a7RIII, Sony a7RIV, Sony a7S II, Sony a7SIII, Sony a9II | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

PDR: Sony a9II vs Sony a9 vs Sony a9 ES

The Sony a9II and Sony a9 sensor are relatively similar with the a9II having a slight lead at base ISO, but it is unclear if these measurements were made with the electronic shutter or not because the Sony a9II results do not list with and without Electronic Shutter (ES). The Low light performance of the […]

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Sony a9II vs Sony a9 Buffer Testing

Tag The Shooter posted the first a9 vs a9II comparison I have seen showing off the new and improved Sony a9II buffer. His testing is a bit rough and he gets a bit lost with his words so the data below is the most valuable thing from the video since I wrote it while watching. […]

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Patrick Murphy-Racey’s Lengthy Sony a9II Review

Patrick probably has the most Sony a9II experience out there shooting multiple events across over 2,000 miles. The video is very long and focuses on 18 reasons why you should buy an a9II along with 6 pain points. If you don’t have an hr to setaside and watch below are excerpts from his video: 18 […]

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