OL: Sigma 17mm f/4 DN DG Contemporary Review

17mm F4 DG DN | Contemporary B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Optical Limits published its full review of the Sigma 17mm f/4 DN DG Contemporary which you can read in full here or check out the excerpt below:

The Sigma 17mm f/4 DG DN Contemporary | Series I isn’t just cute—it also delivers robust performance, although it doesn’t beat the best in class. The center quality is slightly dampened, but it still stays at very good to excellent levels in the relevant aperture range. The outer image field has no major weakness with good to very good results. Lateral CAs are very moderate. The RAW distortion shows strong barrel distortions. They are not excessive, though, and are fully auto-corrected. A negative outlier is the high RAW vignetting for such a slow lens – probably the result of the rather tiny front element. Auto-correction does its job, but the light falloff remains noticeable at f/4. It’s also a good idea to keep the lens hood on while shooting because the lens is somewhat vulnerable to flare. The sun star rendering is also not ideal.

In terms of build quality, it’s about as good as it gets, with one caveat. The Sigma lens is tiny yet feels very solid with its metal construction, smooth controls, and tight build tolerances. The use of metal even extends to the lens hood and a magnetic lens cap. The only aspect where it shows its “Contemporary” grade is the weather sealing, which is limited to the mount. The AF is speedy despite the stepping motor.

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