Sony announced new medium format sensor with some impressive specs on their website today and it looks like medium format technology is starting to catch up to full frame in many ways. The IMX461 will likely be found in a future Fujifilm GFX camera, while the IMX411 will likely be seen in a Hasselblad sometime soon. Both sensors are able to shoot 4k 30p at 12bit, but the more interesting specs are the 8k 18fps at 12-bit and 8k 16fps at 12-bit features.
Sony has built a lot of high-speed sensors for cameras lately and it looks like their medium format sensors are getting some form of high-speed shooting mode at 8k. 18fps and 16fps are too slow to be useful to videographers, but they could be very useful to photographers. Maybe Sony will even incorporate the IMX411 into their own medium format camera in the distant future.
Via FujiAddict, Sony