Tag Archives: Caye 200mm f/3.5

Caye 200mm f/3.5 Version 1.5

The Caye 200mm f/3.5 was announced only a few months ago, but it wasn’t marketed in the West beyond our coverage. Since then, there has been an announcement of a generation 1.5 lens that seems like it will be a little more expensive and resolve some of the inexpensive lenses shortcomings. Only 175! Cangye Optics’ new […]

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Caye 200mm f/3.5: $21 of Chinesium?

China has been churning out lenses for everyone at every price point for a few years, but this is a little extreme if it sees US store shelves. I have good relations with a few representatives at Chinese lens representatives and have seen them come a long way, but introducing lenses like the one above […]

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