Sony Hacked Again‽

It is being widely reported that Sony has been hacked again by a ransomware group. The file directory has been posted to, but it seems to be minimal so hopefully, the hack doesn’t impact many Sony customers, but the hackers have put the data up for sale. The hacking group also released a statement:

“We have successfully compromissed [sic] all of sony systems. We wont ransom them! we will sell the data. due to sony not wanting to pay. DATA IS FOR SALE,” the group adds, before declaring “WE ARE SELLING IT”.

Sony hasn’t acknowledged the hack yet, but the hacker group also seems to have a twisted sense of humor stating “In cases where payment is not received, we are obligated to report a Data Privacy Law violation to the GDPR agency!.” is an interesting site that claims to be a “secure solution for addressing data security vulnerabilities within companies” that also is “in strict compliance with GDPR and Data Privacy Laws” and they also have an affiliate program of all things.

I hope Sony addresses this hack soon because it really is not a good look to have various Sony fan sites reporting yet another big hack before Sony makes a statement. I have been aware of the potential hack for a few days now and was waiting for a statement from Sony, but since there is none and the reports have gone wide all I can do is provide the most complete coverage I can come across from cyber security sources.

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