The AstrHori 18mm f/8 2X Probe Macro is quite a unique lens that Chris and Jordan decided to review and surprisingly they find the lens to be sharper than Laowa’s Probe lens.
The lens is best for video
AstrHori is made for APS-C while the Laowa is for Full Frame
You will want a slider to create the best results
Many cameras shoot in Super 35 mode which is APS-C
The AstrHori is a f/8 while the Laowa is a f/14
Both power their light via USB
Both are waterproof up to the USB port
The original Laowa lens doesn’t have a removable head
The AstrHori does allow you to remove the lens so they can release adapters in the future
The AstrHori is about 27mm full frame equivalent
The Laowa is 24mm on Full Frame and 36mm on APS-C
the AstrHori should be wider all around but it is mainly longer on the wide end since the AsrHori has better magnification and there might be some focus breathing so the Laowa comes off wider sometimes
AstrHori is a very flat shooting lens
The AstrHori is sharp wide open and you only get more contrast by stopping down to f/14
The AstrHori is very sharp and has more detail than the Laowa