Optical Limits: Tamron 35mm f/2.8 Di III OSD M 1:2 – Superb Center Sharpness Wide Open

Optical limits posted its Tamron 35mm f/2.8 Di III OSD M 1:2 review and it looks like Tamron’s primes are every bit as good as their zooms. You can read the full review here or read the a sumary below:

In terms of optical performance, the Tamron 35mm f/2.8 Di III OSD M1:2 is a high-quality lens. The center sharpness is absolutely superb. The outer image field shows no weakness even at f/2.8 but it stays short of truly excellent results even when stopped down. Image distortions and lateral CAs are negligible even in RAW images. However, the vignetting is very heavy at f/2.8 unless you activate image auto-correction. It’s not the fastest prime lens around so it’s not a bokeh monster to start with. The rendering of out-of-focus highlights is Ok for a moderate prime lens.

While the optical performance is commendable, the same can’t really be said of the build quality. This is a budget lens and you can feel it. The use of plastics is perfectly Ok – even professional-grade lenses use them nowadays. However, there are plastics and there are plastics. In this case, they are fairly cheap. Of course, this doesn’t mean that it can’t do the job. It just doesn’t provide joy. The rather sluggish AF doesn’t help with this either. On the positive side, the lens features some degree of sealing against moisture. Some may also appreciate the close focus capabilities with a magnification of up to 1:2.

35mm F/2.8 Di III OSD M1:2(Model F053):

B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

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