Godox: V1 vs V860II: Do You See The Difference?

Sony has become a large enough force in the world of photography that they have lots of flash options, but Godox is one of the few that offer good quality for a reasonable price. Their latest flash the Godox V1 was a little controversial because it copied the Profoto A1 to the point that Profoto threatened to sue to block its sale, but now that the V1 is on the market a new debate started. Are round flash head flashes better than square ones? Well, the above video from Godox tries to address the debate head-on with a decent demonstration of one difference between round and square-headed flashes. What are your thoughts?

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Godox V1: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

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B&H Photo / Amazon

Godox AD400Pro Witstro: 
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Godox V350S: B&H Photo / Amazon

Godox V860IIS: B&H Photo / Amazon

Godox TT685S: B&H Photo / Amazon

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