First Viltrox AF 135mm f/1.8 LAB Lens Image Found

The first image of the Viltrox AF 135mm f/1.8 LAB has been found and it’s on a Sony BURANO 8K CineAlta camera. Viltrox only recently made us aware of LAB lenses during an interview where it was revealed that LAB lenses are above Viltrox’s already excellent Pro line of lenses.

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VILTROX 85mm f/1.8 II: B&H Photo / Amazon

VILTROX 56mm f/1.4: B&H Photo / Amazon

VILTROX 33mm f/1.4: B&H Photo / Amazon

VILTROX 23mm f/1.4: B&H Photo / Amazon

VILTROX 16mm f/1.8: B&H Photo / Amazon

VILTROX 13mm f/1.4: B&H Photo / Amazon

Viltrox 50mm f/1.8: B&H Photo / Amazon

Viltrox 35mm f/1.8: B&H Photo / Amazon

Viltrox 24mm f/1.8: B&H Photo / Amazon

via Photorumors