Tamron 17-50mm F/4 Di III VXD A068 Coming October 19th

Tamron 17-50mm F/4 Di III VXD A068 Coming October 19th

Major features

  1. The world’s first 17-50mm lens that covers from ultra-wide angle to standard range
  2. Advanced optical performance and rich bokeh at F4
  3. Comfortable shooting with a small, lightweight body and inver zoom
  4.  High-speed, high-precision AF with excellent quietness, ideal for video and still image shooting
  5. Capture small objects clearly with a minimum shooting distance of 0.19m
  6. Compatible with TAMRON Lens Utility™ software
  7. Enhanced overall lens design for ease of use
  8. Unified filter size to 67mm
  9. Built with mirrorless in mind
  10. Additional features

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