Sony Medium Format Sony A7MI, A7MII, and a7RV Rumors

I think most expect Sony to enter the medium format market sooner rather than later and I actually have received a few rumors about it happening as soon as this year, but I do not believe it is plausible so I have been saving this particular rumor for April 1st.

Here is something I can be a bit more definitive about: Sony will announce Medium format cameras in the summer. 2 of the. 150mp and 200mp. $7500 and $9999 respectively. Anything over 10k and its effectively pointless. Under 10k and they put Hasselblad and Phase One out of business.

The curved sensor patents we saw earlier would limit them to Prime lenses and extremely expensive ones at that…so expect flat regular medium format sensors like the 150mp and 200mp we’ve already seen patented.

Expect a bizarre name like A7M i and A7M ii.

Announcement may be a development announcement at the same time the A7r V.

This rumor is likely off base, but if it is correct we could see some interesting medium format cameras going into 2023.

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