Sony Airpeak Can Handle 20 M/S Sustained Wind

An often underlooked performance metric for drones is how much wind can the drone handle before it becomes unstable. In testing Sony’s new Airpeak was able to maintain stable flight with a constant wind moving at 20 meters a second. In the real world wind changes direction and speed rapidly and without warning so this isn’t entirely an indication of how stable Sony’s new drone is, but it does make me hopeful that I will see less drones carried away by the wind in the future.

Our test results showed that the prototype could maintain stable flight up to around 20m/s – a wind so powerful an average person would have trouble standing upright.

In Florida, it is not uncommon to see hobbyist flying their drones at the beach only to have their new toy carried away by a rapid change in wind speed that results in the drone being blow into a condominium or even into a vehicle on A1A or a house beyond that. I have seen this happen to various DJI Mavics and even the higher-end DJI Phantom.

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