Sony The Top Mirrorless Camera Company According to Nikkei Plus A-Mount Sales Are Negligible

Nikkei published new data on the shipments of interchangeable and mirrorless cameras in 2019:

Shipments of interchangeable lens cameras in 2019:

  1. Canon: 4.16 million
  2. Nikon: 1.73 million
  3. Sony: 1.66 million
  4. Fujifilm: 500,000
  5. Olympus: 330,000
  6. Others: 280,000

Mirrorless camera shipments in 2019:

  1. Sony: 1.65 million
  2. Canon: 940,000
  3. Fujifilm: 500,000
  4. Olympus: 330,000
  5. Nikon: 280,000
  6. Others: 240,000

It’s interesting to note that Sony still sells about 10,000 A-Mount cameras, which makes A-mount Negligible.

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via digicame-infoPhotorumors