LensRentals: Finds That 2% of Sony a7 Cameras and 1.6% of All Sony Cameras Have Mount Issues

Lens rental has done some interesting testing of flange to sensor distance for cinema cameras and photography cameras. During their testing, they found damaged sensor mounts that shockingly didn’t disable the Sony cameras they were found in even though lens rentals would consider the damage “disabling” if just shown the picture above.

Lensrentals would have expected to see “error messages, horrible images, something dramatic”, but these cameras went out to customers and they were happy with them except for a few reports that “Seems images might be a little soft on one side,” or “maybe the stabilization isn’t quite as good as it should be.”

Sony wasn’t the only one with issues and it looks like Lensrentals investment in a tool to measure the mount will be helpful for detecting latent issues in new cameras like mount damage that they did not know existed. If you want to know more about there testing check out cinema cameras and photography cameras.

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