Sony a7RIII Star Eater Continued

After yesterdays revelation about the Sony Star Eater issue still existing in the Sony a7RIII DPReview decided to publish an a7RIII/a7RII comparison tool that clearly shows how differently the two cameras handle denoising, which causes the star eater issue. The Last Word also published some additional materials of interest and found “no material difference” between the Sony a7RII and a7RIII dark-field frequency responses, which is interesting considering the above image.

If none of the above helps you understand the star eater issue, The Last Word also published this post which shows how muddy the affected dark field image becomes compared to the unaffected one. Of course, you can still capture amazing astrophotography photos with Sony cameras, even with star eater, but it will wipe out star light that is only a single pixel in size and if you have ever pixel peeped a proper astrophotography photo that can be quite a few stars to snuff out.

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