Sony a7RIII Review, Time-lapse, Videos, and More


The Sony a7RIII fits in an interesting spot between medium format cameras and the rest of the full frame cameras on the market, where you have to spend big money on big glass to get optimal results, but save a little on the body its size. Sony made some leaps forward with their cameras this year that were expected and unexpected, but they also took some steps backward. Excluding an intervalometer from the a7RIII is inexcusable in 2017 and the inability to use an on-camera app for the feature can be frustrating. Sony really should add functions like this in via a firmware update in the future.

digitalphotopro – On The Road: Live From The Sony a7R III Media Event In Sedona – 18 secret features that will make you upgrade from A7rII (or A9!)

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Sony a7RIII: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama

Sony 24-105mm: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama