Easy Cover For Sony α9

Japan Hobby Tool released “Easy cover SONY α9 for” on November 14th.The suggested retail price is 4,740 yen by tax. Prepare black and camouflage. Silicon cover to protect the camera from dust, dirt, shocks. It is manufactured according to the shape of the camera, and a tilt LCD monitor can also be used. Notches were provided in the logo part of “α9” and “SONY”. A liquid crystal protective film and a cloth are attached. Easy covering is first with 35 mm full size α 9. Also, in the past, Yellow for Nikon and red for Canon have disappeared this time. α9 is a mirrorless camera of Sony equipped with a 35 mm full size sensor. It features an effective 24.2 megapixel sensor and features high-speed continuous shooting of up to 20 frames per second. Release is May. The actual price is around 540,000 yen including tax.

Easy Cover For Sony α9: B&H Photo / Adorama

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