DPReview: Sony a7RIII vs Nikon D850 Dynamic Range Comparison

Pixel Dynamic Range 8MP ‘Print’ Dynamic Range
Nikon D850 (ISO 64) 13.78 15.03
Sony a7R III 13.63 14.84
Nikon D850 (ISO 100) 13.27 14.53
Sony a7R II 13.21 14.41

DPReview produced some of their own dynamic range results showing that the Sony a7RIII has a half stop dynamic range improvement over the a7RII. It seems everyone is out to measure dynamic range today because that is one of the few major areas of improvement, but sites like Photons to Photos are far more scientifically accurate for this kind of data. The Nikon D850’s ability to shoot below 100 ISO allows it to pull ahead in dynamic range testing, but once you move beyond 100 ISO the a7RIII pulls ahead. It’s a shame Sony doesn’t spend more time on their firmware because they might be able to rectify this “short coming.” It seems Sony’s claim of 15 stops of dynamic range is only true when shrinking your file down to 8MP for print, which isn’t overly impressive. You can read the full post at DPReview.

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Sony a7RIII: B&H PhotoAmazonAdorama

Nikon D850: B&H Photo / Amazon / Adorama